Give Online. It’s simple and secure! Use your credit or debit card to give a one time gift or even schedule a reoccurring gift.

Give Today

Give Online. It’s simple and secure! Use your credit or debit card to give a one time gift or even schedule a reoccurring gift.

Give Today

Give Online. It’s simple and secure! Use your credit or debit card to give a one time gift or even schedule a reoccurring gift.

Give Today

Give Online. It’s simple and secure! Use your credit or debit card to give a one time gift or even schedule a reoccurring gift.

Give Today

Give Online. It’s simple and secure! Use your credit or debit card to give a one time gift or even schedule a reoccurring gift.

Give Today

Give Online. It’s simple and secure! Use your credit or debit card to give a one time gift or even schedule a reoccurring gift.

Give Today

Ways to give

Ways to give

Ways to give

Ways to give

Give Online

You can easily give online through our secure giving site. By clicking the "Give Today" button above, you can give a one time donation or recurring gifts.


Text “Give (amount)” to 417.255.0040 (Do not add commas, periods, etc., to the number amount.)

By Mail / In-Person

Donations can be mailed or dropped off at our main building (4945 US Highway 160, West Plains, MO 65775). Please make sure your personal info is correct on your check.